If the RNY is so risky, why do they keep doing it? Not long ago I received a very thoughtful comment by someone researching WLS and made the decision that since many other folks may have similar questions, I’d make an effort to address the issues this individual raised. If RNY is so harmful to the organism why do doctors still continue to indicate it? The answer here’s not a simple one so keep beside me.
First, those who advocate the RNY tend to be those who find themselves not involved in the long term follow up of their patients (most RNY follow-up is performed by Emergency Rooms, hospitality and gastroenterologists). It is commonly known that individuals who are obese die earlier than those who are not morbidly obese morbidly.
It is unfamiliar whether obesity really shortens your life or not, although lifestyle factors i.e. amount of exercise, quality of diet, stress factors may impact health insurance and even how long you live regardless of what you weigh. For as many epidemiological studies which are available which claim that obesity does affect longevity, there are an equal variety of epidemiological studies which claim that obesity alone will not affect your lifespan. This story of what research really says about weight problems is not observed in the media because, perhaps the media is more “marketing oriented”. The second reason some surgeons continue steadily to advocate the RNY may be because the public is demanding quick weight loss at any cost.
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It is true that some patients, even those who are extremely ill from the repercussions of the RNY, are still happy to not be fat any longer due to the societal pressures on the overweight population. Many people can read the informed consent information, can browse the testimonies of patients who are really ill for life from WLS and still request WLS. Personally, I know of cases where family members have died and the its still just do it with the surgery. In this scenario, a better way to make a decision is always to consider all the possibilities and ask if this might be okay with you. That is ‘reactive hypoglycemia’ – can you be ok if that happened for you?
People want to believe the dream that a surgery can transform a fat person into a thin one. And the underlying reason why most folks do something about weight problems remains “improving looks” although we cover our quest for looks with a slim veneer of “health”. The medical job has advocated harmful practices Often, in a field where there isn’t much research especially.
Classic was the cover of a Journal of the American Medical Association in the 1930’s, which featured a photo of a combined group of doctors smoking cigarettes! And if yes, were these problems caused just because of the task itself or did the patients have some previous condition, such as diabetes or high blood circulation pressure or high cholesterol level? Yes, I have assisted many sick longer-term patients and generally, their problems were firmly due to the repercussions of their weight-reduction surgery.
It’s a no brainer that when a major organ system is so greatly re-arranged as done in the RNY, that there will be serious repercussions from the surgery itself. Those that declare “no repercussions” should never be the medical providers but instead those early-term patients who are still somewhat concerning the surgery as a “magic pill”. Exactly why is it such a difficult floor? It requires me too much to believe that it could be more difficult than a floor congested with patients who’ve terminal diseases. This is hard to understand from the outside but severely changing this important organ system so that it works differently can cause unpleasant, terrible suffering.