So exactly what does an investment bank or investment company actually do? Several things, actually. Below we break down each of the major functions of the investment bank or investment company, and provide a brief review of the changes which have formed the investment banking industry through the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Select each section to learn more.

Raising Capital & Security Underwriting. Banking institutions are middlemen between a ongoing company that wants to issue new securities and the buying open public. Mergers & Acquisitions. Banks suggest retailers and purchasers on business valuation, negotiation, structuring and prices of transactions, as well as method and execution. Sales & Trading and Equity Research.

Retail and Commercial Banking. Following the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, investment banking institutions now offer typically off-limits services like commercial banking. Front office vs back office. While the sexier functions like M&A advisory are “front office,” other functions like risk management, financial control, corporate treasury, corporate strategy, compliance, operations and technology are critical back office functions. History of the industry. The industry has transformed dramatically since John Pierpont Morgan had to personally bail out the United States from the Panic of 1907. We study the important evolution in this section. Following the 2008 financial crisis. The industry was shaken to the core during and after the financial crisis that gripped the global world in 2008. How gets the industry changed and where is it going?

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  • Image: Nonvaleur03 by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company at Wikimedia under public domain
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  • Retirement >

You do not need to get security clearance or complete some KYC to open a bitcoin accounts. You certainly do not need permission to send money. You do not need to declare whenever your value transfer is above a certain limit. You certainly do not need to ask questions when you receive money.

You need not justify from whom you received from. You do not need to get permission to close your transfer and account away all of your money. No one can prevent you from making a transaction. You can be prevented by No one from receiving a transaction. No one needs to know your real identity to produce a transaction.

Transactions takes within minutes to successfully be completed. Transaction fees can cost just cents or dollars. Will there be a value to presenting a operational system of value transfer that is permissionless and unstoppable? I think that there surely is. The global world is riddled with a lot of bad money. It’s a rotting and failing system that will collapse alone weight.

The idea of honest money is not some crazy and insane notion. It is what we used to have, before fractional banking and phony economics became the long lasting feature of modern finance. Bitcoin WILL be a global money. Not just that, but it may also be a transitional currency for failing currencies without backup plan (Venezuela is an integral case study of the). A currency that no national government can stop, manipulate or control.

A money where owners of it need not get worried about hyper inflation or money printing. Along with it, it is a worldwide payment system without alternative party also, and all the advantages of peer to peer transactions. While I am a solid believer of Bitcoin, I believe that additional cryptos offer EVEN more compelling investment situations. I do own some bitcoin, but it is an extremely, very, very small portion of my collection.

For my risk-seeking thrills and investments, I would be using my SRS or cash money for this. Really, the primary key difference is the risk-free rate the different cash is able to get. Why give up 4% interest to make 6%? It really is much better in my opinion to leave that 4% as is, and use the money getting 0.05% (local bank or investment company savings deposit rate) and aim for 6% instead. However, for people with long time frames and cannot invest beyond CPF (no savings, cash flow), you’ll be able to outperform, but it does come with risks.

Categories: Finance