This graph, extracted from my Garmin cycle computer, documented on the Rice Track, probably is documenting something other than traditional decoupling, except perhaps at the end. Note the relatively constant reduction of speed at a continuous heart rate over the whole time of the hour. 5 rides. This is something I almost always observe, but it probably demonstrates something apart from decoupling since it happens too soon; classic decoupling appears after a couple of hours of using normally.

The fall off in acceleration seems to speed up at the end of the ride, that will be decoupling. I do not know what the constant fall off in speed or heart rate is relatively, but one figure is that it’s due to high temperature. This ride, like many of my rides, in the morning to avoid the heat begins early, and the heat rises over the course of the ride significantly. A frustration I have read working out literature is that it appears that nobody puts all the facts together in a logical order in a single place.

I feel like I pick up an undeniable fact here, a fact there, and it is only weeks later that I could start putting all the items together and make sense of it. Such is the situation with decoupling. A short description of decoupling is really as coming after: My heart rate is normally dependant on the intensity at which I exercise. EASILY ride my bike on a flat course (e.g. the Rice Track) with no breeze, the faster I ride, the higher my heartrate is. If I ride at a steady speed, my heart rate remains constant, at least for some time. However, after some period of time at that steady pace, my heart rate shall start to increase.

This phenomenon is named decoupling. How quickly decoupling occurs can be used as a measure of endurance. The longer I could ride before my heart rate increases, the greater endurance I’ve. But, despite having read a true quantity of well-reputed training manuals, it is only now, after many years of research, Personally I think like I am starting to get a sense of what causes it.

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There a lot of indicators I can use while training to let me know if I am training within my intended level of intensity. I can monitor how I feel; if my hip and legs feel sore or easily is breathing heavily, for example. That is sometimes referred to as Relative Perceived Exertion (RPE).

I can monitor my quickness using my Garmin cycle computer. Of course, the meaning of that speed is affected by many factors: whether I am going uphill or downhill, the strength and direction of the wind, and which bicycle I ride to name but a few. 1,000). And finally, I could monitor my heart rate.

Speed and heart rate are two various ways to measure the intensity of a ride. Both are affected by issues other than the intensity of the ride, so can be misleading. However, in both full cases, if I stay alert to these other factors, I could allow for them and steer clear of being misled.

Because heart rate and speed reflect somewhat various things, more information can be gathered by evaluating them than by looking at each one by itself. Actually, I have used evaluation of speed and heart rate many times with this blog. That is, after all, just what a MAF test is. After starting to warm up, I ride on the Rice Track which is smooth and contains no traffic or stops, keeping my heart rate between 130 to 140 beats each and every minute, and measure my average acceleration over 45 minutes.

Categories: Health